Wednesday, December 29, 2010

ID Checkers help protect your liquor license

Every day, bars, c-stores, liquor stores, nightclubs and all sorts of liquor licensees fall victim to state liquor sting operations.  Many do not realize how easy it is to become a victim and fewer understand that ID Checkers can prevent these events.  These sting operations depend on servers not doing the math correctly or taking other short cuts during the carding process.  An ID Checker or ID Scanner will perform the following.

  • Automatically calculate the age and warn if underage for alcohol and tobacco
  • Record the data to prove which ID was checked during the carding process

The first point prevents the most common type of event, human error.

The second point serves multiple purposes.  First it proves that a merchant is doing their due diligence when serving, which is necessary if they want to claim an affirmative defense.  Two, it allows the owner of the business to verify the employees are using the equipment.  Third, in some states, this data can be used for marketing purposes.

Ask any company that has gotten a ticket for serving a minor.  Its a terrible painful process for a business owner and just about 100% would say in hindsight, "I wish I had invested in an ID Checker"  So buy one today before you get stung!!


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